By accepting below, I hereby enter my photo(s) to the Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC Fresh Label Contest. If my photo entry is selected as a winner, I hereby grant Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable worldwide license to use the photo(s) submitted for any purpose in any manner it so chooses. Included is Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC's right to modify the photo(s) as necessary at its sole discretion. This also includes, without limitation, use on Lizzy's Fresh Coffee labels, website, advertisement, or promotional material. I acknowledge that Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC is under no obligation to use my photo(s).

By accepting below, I agree that Lizzy's Fresh Coffee will credit my photo(s) with my name, as I've specified under "First Name/Last Name" of the form, wherever it uses the photo(s). Such credit will appear on the image in a format determined at the sole discretion of Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC.

I agree that there are to be no fees, commissions or royalties paid to me for the use of the photo(s). I will receive, free of charge, four (4) weekly deliveries of the coffee that utilizes my label during the specific month and year that my label physically appears on a Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC coffee label. During this time period, I will be provided with a special purchasing code so that I may purchase unlimited quantities of any coffee product at a discount of 30%.

I acknowledge and agree that I am the owner of the submitted photo(s) and that I have the exclusive right and authority to grant the licenses granted herein.

If recognizable human subjects are present in my submitted photograph, I acknowledge and agree that I have obtained the right and authority to grant the use of the model's/models' likeness(es) as listed by name below in my submitted photograph. I confirm I understand I am responsible for obtaining this permission, and model(s) below hereby grant Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC an irrevocable perpetual worldwide license to use the listed individual(s) likeness(es) in the photo(s) submitted for any purpose in any manner it so chooses and in any medium now known or later developed. Included is Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC's right to modify the photo(s) as necessary at its sole discretion. This also includes, without limitation, use on Lizzy's Fresh Coffee labels, website, advertisement, or promotional material of any kind. I acknowledge that Lizzy's Fresh Coffee, LLC is under no obligation to use likeness(es) of model(s) in my submitted photograph. I agree that there are to be no fees, commissions or royalties paid to model(s) for the use of their likeness(es).