Life has gotta be simple, and the coffee has gotta be yummy. If you follow that way of thinking, then the pour over method of brewing is for you. With an investment as little as about $30, you'll be on your way to brewing a smooth and velvety morning cup that beats most electric drip machines by a mile.

Tools for the job (*required)
Hario V60 Glass Dripper *
Measuring scoop or scale *
Hot water kettle
#2 Hario paper filters (with pointed tip, not flat tip)*
Burr coffee grinder
8, 12, or 16 oz Mug
Heat water on stovetop or electric kettle to boil
At sea level, water boils at 212 F – Let cool to about 205 degrees if you live at low elevation
At high elevation (about 5000 ft) boiling point is about 203
Optimal brewing temp is about 195-205.
Place paper filter in dripper, and set dripper atop mug or server (8, 12, 16 oz)
Measure coffee (adjust as needed to your taste)
By weight
16 g for 8 oz mug or
24 g for 12 oz mug
32 g for a 16 oz mug
By volume
2 T for 8 oz mug or
3 T for 12 oz mug
4 T for a 16 oz mug
Grind Coffee
Use fine drip setting (about texture of refined sugar)
Place ground coffee into paper filter in dripper
Set countdown timer to 3 minutes and start
Pour about 1/6th of the hot water into coffee in circular motion to wet the grounds
Coffee will "bloom" or poof up for 30 seconds or so
At 2:30 pour 1/6th more
At 2:00 pour 1/3rd more
At 1:00 pour 1/3rd and allow to finish brewing
Sip & Enjoy!