Having trouble logging on to your Lizzy's account?
We have just moved our website to a new platform that will make managing your account and/or subscription a snap, but it's true, you will have to create a new account to order.
Don't worry, it's fast and easy!
For Subscription Customers: The new subscription tool will give you complete control of your order, including the ability to pause, change or cancel your subscription any time, as well as update your credit card when things change. This brings greater control and also much better security for your credit card data. Because of this, we need you to enter your credit card into the new site so we can process your recurring order.
For Non Subscriptions Customers: You also enjoy the benefit of saved addresses, credit cards and order information, so setting up an account makes shopping a breeze (but you don't have to have an account to shop with us - you can simply shop as "guest" if you prefer).
How to reset your password:
1. Go to www.lizzysfreshcoffee.com
2. Click on the little account (person) icon in the upper right.
3. Enter your email, and click 'forgot password". A password reset link will be emailed to you automatically, and just follow the password steps from there.
How to update your card
1. Once you are successfully logged onto your account, click "Payment Methods"
2. Click to add your CC card info and billing address.
DON'T WANT TO DO THESE STEPS? No problem! Just call us during business hours M-F 8am-3pm and we'll quickly enter your data over the phone to get your account set up for you. (208-806-0212)